  • Quinlan Visual Arts Center

Contra Dancing

Quinlan Visual Arts Center 514 Green Street NE Gainesville, GA 30501
Email us info@qvac.org Call us at 770-536-2575

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Beginner and embellishments lesson 6:30 | Dance 7:00 - 9:00 PM

$15 Adults | $5 with student ID

What is Contra?
Contra Dancing (also called country dancing) is similar to square dancing but allows dancers to interact with new dancers and focuses on long lines rather than square formations. We will teach you everything you need to know but if you are new to contra, we recommend you attend the 6:30 lesson to learn the basics. You don't need a partner to come and have a good time. We encourage everyone to dance with new people. 

What do I wear?
Contra dancing can be quite aerobic, so make sure you are comfortable. We find sneakers with a soft sole to be best. Come as you are, so long as you can move about! 

Can I bring children?
Contra has a lot of weaving and twirling moves that can be difficult for smaller children. We advise against bringing children under the age of 6. If you do bring young children, we ask that you do not leave them unattended.

Please visit our website at https://www.quinlanartscenter.org/ For questions, please email info@qvac.org

Your Contact Information



Activity Price Quantity Total
Adult $15.00
Quinlan Membership $10.00
Student $5.00
  Total: $0.00
Total Amount Due: $0.00